Monday, May 9, 2016

Memory book please read

Aaron has been transferred to the ICU again. His breathing continues to decline. He has been put back on the high flow at a high setting with no success. His chest X-ray shows likely pneumonia. This is actually very good news. If Aaron has an infection, he has hope of recovering. If Aaron does not have an infection, there is very little left to help him. He is weak and tired but still fights the nurses. The doctor told him he couldn't drink anything and he let her have it. He is not going to back down and I am so proud of him. He finally got his way and is allowed to drink.

Aaron may have days, weeks, months or years left. I have had overwhelming support and prayers.  I want to ask a favor of anyone who feels Aaron has touched their lives. I want to put together a memory book. I would love you to write something about Aaron. Anything. I especially love how funny he is and the funny things he says. Feel free to write multiple things. Please include pictures  that moved you. I have pictures on


I would like this book to be a positive book. Aaron has not and never will lose any "battles" with disease or illness. Aaron has won at life. He is happy. He knows God and he spends everyday doing what he is passionate about. He should not be pitied. He is an amazing child. If his life is short that is because he has fulfilled His purpose.

My sister and sister-in-law will be putting this together. When it is done, I would be happy to give you the information on how to order one. Please send all your memories to

Katie Rose
(520) 661-6697


Gretchen Rosewolf
(509) 844-1213

Thank you!  And I appreciate each and every text, message, and phone call you have sent me in thought prayer and encouragement. I apologize that I rarely answer phone calls. It is too hard to talk about and each time I have to tell tell someone that Aaron is not well is like reopening a painful wound. I am better with text.

Please also pass this blog post on to anyone who may want to contribute.

1 comment:

  1. You are the spirit of what our family is about. We were born fighters and we never give up. That's what you're doing right now. So till we meet and even after we meet, keep fighting!! Your cousin Kevin!!!
