Saturday, April 2, 2016

Everyone look at my new shirt

After his bath, Aaron decided to wear his new shirt. He also decided EVERYONE in the hospital should see his new shirt.  And that is exactly what he did.  He walked up and down the unit stopping all the nurses and PCAs to show them his shirt.  Since it was evening, there weren't many people so he wanted to leave the unit.  We walked all around the fifth floor of the hospital stopping everyone (most parents who were coming and going). Still not enough people saw his new shirt.  He heads straight for the elevator and insisted we go down. I didn't have my badge so we couldn't go. He was sad, but decided it was a good time to stop and rest his legs. Then we walked back.

Everyone told them they liked his shirt. A few asked about his puppy (Pupster). Most said he must like trucks. He said no every time. The truth is he doesn't like trucks at all. He only likes trains. The whole thing was awesome.


  1. Such a sweet story - so proud of a new shirt....but not the truck!

  2. That is the sweetest story!!!! Funny about him not liking trucks!!!! I'm so happy and excited that he has so much energy.

  3. From Stachen- I just love this kid. His energy. I am sure he gets a lot of his strength from his mama . In my own lil way I think we ( me and him) share some of the strength in the Robinson lineage ... mama Aaron- you are also an inspiration.. Your woman fight is awesome

  4. So delighted by his enthusiasm to connect and your joy in his connecting. So great to hear about his energy and excitement!
